You want to buy a mini tractor. The first question that appears when choosing a minitractor is the producing country.
Minitractor is a tractor up to 25 hp. Soviet industry produced only large tractors for large fields and large works. Nowadays, the farmer needs a small assistant (see also a comparison of the tractor and the minitractor and the comparison of the cost of operation) for fields of up to 10 hectares, for harvesting courtyard territories or transport.
The only Russian manufacturer of mini tractors in the Soviet era, Kurganmashzavod, closed its production. Kurgan compact tractors are remembered by buyers of small capacity, small width, and high price. For some time a tractor of this class was produced by the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, but more complicated and even more expensive ones were completed earlier.

These tractor factories have always produced large tractors. They did not have really small tractors. Recently, Belarusian tractor manufacturers have mastered MTZ-132 (traction class 0.2) and MTZ-320 tractors (traction class 0.6)
German, Italian, Korean and Japanese mini tractors are distinguished by high reliability and … price. These mini tractors can not afford a Russian buyer. A good example is the Italian tractor Lamborghini.
Honored popularity in the market acquired Chinese mini tractors. They are cheap. At the same time, the reliability of Chinese mini tractors is comparable to the German one! Usually, Chinese compact tractors operate under heavy Russian conditions for at least 10 years before major repairs (contact us and we will provide recommendations to our customers). Chinese products are considered low-quality. As for Chinese tractors, this is not true. Yes, in a year the handle or window will break on the tractor or it will be scratched, but the main parts of the tractor (engine, gearbox) will work reliably and for a long time. The problem of Chinese tractors is a lack of adaptability to Russian conditions. The low number of tools for tractors is due to the difference in agricultural output of Russia (wheat) and China (rice).
Tractor uses a diesel engine made in China, parts are made for our tractor in Bobruisk, Togliatti, Nizhnekamsk, St. Petersburg, Karabash, Zhigulevsk, Belebey in Malaysia, Ukraine, Italy. Such geography allowed us to give the “Chinese” price Russian quality and spare parts supply . In Russia we produce attachments for mini tractors, which is necessary in Russia. Read the information about our production of mini tractors and with our minitractors.
So, buy a mini tractor to show off to neighbors – buy a Lamborghini minitractor. It will look great in the garage in the background of your Ferrari! Buy a labor horse – your choice is our mini tractors!